
When Angela isn’t taking care of the various administrative tasks that come with running a business, she is busy keeping up with her household of her husband (COCOON owner Chris) and four beautiful children. Her attention to detail is a great asset to the COCOON team. She attributes her skills of organization and multitasking to God using many roles in her life to prepare her, from being the eldest child, to studying & working as a nurse, to being a mother of four little ones.

How did you arrive at COCOON, what path brought you here?

I put a ring on the owner!

Who have you worked with in the past? And what have you done for them?

Prior to being a mom, and helping start COCOON, I was a nurse. I believe this prepared me in various ways to learn how to care for all types and ages of people.

How long have you been doing what you do?

Since the inception of the business.

What are you known for professionally, what do you have a knack for?

Even though I received a degree in the Applied Health Sciences, my most intensive training has been being a mom to 4 awesome kids for the past 11 years. Nothing prepares you to multitask and organize quite like being a mom to multiple kids!

What’s the one problem you are best at solving for your clients? What do your ideal clients say about you?

I hope that any person who interacts with me would encounter someone who is friendly, down to earth, and is happy to help in any way I’m able.

What are you most passionate about professionally? What most excites you about your work & the contribution you can make?

I love the human resources element of my role, and being able to help Chris and our team in various ways there. I look forward to expanding this personal care to our clients in new & unique ways in the near future.

What are you passionate about personally? What do you really enjoy? What can’t you stop talking about?

After having 3 adorable sons, the Lord saw fit to bless us with a baby girl – I haven’t stopped talking about that since we found out she was a girl, and will probably never stop! She is also the first and only niece and granddaughter on either side, so she’s pretty doted on all around! I’m Italian, and so I enjoy everything about good food – eating it, cooking it, talking about it, watching others enjoy it!

Where can we find you when you’re not working? What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend or a Sunday afternoon?

Usually at home with my kiddos, or running errands, or managing the various school/sports/social schedules – anything needed that keeps a household of 6 going! Ideally, my favorite way to spend some time on the weekend besides being with the littles, would be a date with my husband, whether alone or with friends/family we love – while eating good food of course!

Where did you grow up and why aren’t you there now?

I grew up in Havertown, which was a wonderful place to spend a childhood. After Chris and I got married, we decided to buy our first home in the West Chester area.

In the end, how do you want to be remembered?

I would be thrilled if starting with my husband, kids, and extending outward, people remembered me to be a kind, loving, helpful woman and friend who loves Jesus and loved to see people happy and cared for. And well fed.

Any volunteer activities you’re crazy about?

I really enjoy helping out in whatever capacity I can at my kids school. There’s always an area to volunteer in some way, shape or form, and I look forward to helping even more as the baby gets older.

Any nonprofits you love, & why?

Our children’s school is very involved with offering various opportunities to support local organizations, and it’s been neat to see our kids participate in these drives.

Any awards or medals, or even medallions? Personal okay, too.

Nothing since I was kid and the typical little league trophies?

What would be impossible for you to give up?

There’s too many things to list, so I’ll stick with a food category. Coffee and pasta.

What is your favorite Movie?

Anything that makes me laugh!

What is your favorite TV Show or Series?

Breaking Bad!

What is a personal favorite quote?

“There is wonder working power in the precious blood of the Lamb.” It was my grandmother’s favorite hymn, and she often reminded us of this truth.

What is your favorite restaurant?

There is a great, somewhat off the beaten path spot in the Rehoboth Beach area that serves the best steamed Maryland crabs. I try to eat at the Surfing Crab at least a few times a summer!

What is your favorite vacation spot?

Disney World and the Delaware beaches!!

What is a highlight or memorable story about working with COCOON?

Getting to work with my husband is a unique opportunity that has brought us even closer together. Also, we’ve had 3 of our 4 babies during this whole adventure, so that has to be the highlight!

Anything else you would like to tell people about yourself?

My 3 sons and 1 daughter keep life interesting, memorable and fun. And crazy at times too! but I truly love the gift that each of them are. I have visions of lots more fun as they grow…being best friends with my daughter and having lots of girl time with her and my mom and my sisters….feeding hearty meals to hungry teenage sons and their friends, sending the boys off camping or on other road trips with their dad, just to name a few. I hope to capture every moment because I am told it goes fast!

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