Stephanie Carbaugh

Stephanie wears a lot of hats as the Director of Marketing at COCOON! She spends her time developing strategy, keeping track of all the content that we’re creating, and overall, getting the word out about COCOON. When Stephanie is not creating content or measuring analytics, she loves spending her time baking, caring for her plants, or cuddling with her two cats. She loves traveling and usually plans a big trip every year to explore new places and push the boundaries of her comfort zone.

How did you arrive at COCOON, what path brought you here?

I had been living in West Chester for about 7 months and commuting to Reading every day when Chris reached out to me on Indeed. I was actually on a business trip in Florida when we spoke, and I interviewed within hours of my plane landing in Philly. Something clicked at that interview, and today I feel truly blessed to work with such an amazing group of people doing what I love; Marketing!

Who have you worked with in the past? And what have you done for them?

I had spent three years working in the marketing department of a pet food company. Their products were for obscure pets, like birds and small animals. I did everything from attending tradeshows to managing their social media campaigns and assisting the sales department.

How long have you been doing what you do?

I started my marketing career when I graduated from college in 2014, but I have been creative my entire life. I can remember staying up late in middle school and custom coding my MySpace profile (even though I wasn’t allowed to have one – sorry mom!). I think that is where my love for creative design was born. From there my natural ability to communicate and perform led me down the path I am on now.

What are you known for professionally, what do you have a knack for?

Professionally I would say that I am known for wearing many hats. I have a wide variety of skills, but my sweet spots are digital design, interpersonal communication, and stepping up as a leader when needed.

What’s the one problem you are best at solving for your clients? What do your ideal clients say about you?

I am the woman people come to when they want to get things done. Not everyone has the patience or the perseverance to deal with the minutia of everyday tasks, but I definitely do.

What are you most passionate about professionally? What most excites you about your work & the contribution you can make?

I am most passionate about creating innovative and impactful campaigns. The most exciting (and nerve-racking) aspect of what I do is that it is very public! My dream is to overhear someone talking about one of my campaigns someday.

What are you passionate about personally? What do you really enjoy? What can’t you stop talking about?

My friends can attest to the fact that I am obsessed with audiobooks and I won’t stop talking about them. I am also obsessed with my kitties.

Where can we find you when you’re not working? What’s your favorite way to spend a weekend or a Sunday afternoon?

When I’m not working you can probably find me baking or working on a craft. I am definitely a Pinterest addict and I love exploring new ideas or recipes and trying to execute them to perfection! My ideal Sunday afternoon would involve; good food, great wine, and close friends.

Where did you grow up and why aren’t you there now?

I grew up in a small town called Gettysburg – I am sure most of you have heard of it. After high school, I attended Millersville University and lived in Lancaster until 2017. That is when life brought me to West Chester and I have been here ever since.

In the end, how do you want to be remembered?

I want to be remembered as a woman who did everything whole-heartedly and passionately – whether that is in my job or my personal relationships.

What would be impossible for you to give up?

Coffee – iced in the summer, hot in the winter.

What is your favorite Movie?

Moonrise Kingdom

What is your favorite TV Show or Series?

New Girl

What is a personal favorite quote?

“What I love most about rivers is
You can’t step in the same river twice
The water’s always changing, always flowing

But people, I guess, can’t live like that
We all must pay a price
To be safe, we lose our chance of ever knowing

What’s around the river bend”

What is your favorite restaurant?

Double Knot in Philadelphia – if you go, get the Chef’s Tour and a couple of their specialty cocktails – you won’t regret it!

What is your favorite vacation spot?

This is a tricky question because I have fortunately been to a lot of places and have made a lot of memories. Some of my favorites include; Switzerland, Portugal, Germany, Costa Rica, Oregon, Hawaii, New Orleans, and California.

I think one of the best feelings in the world comes from the days leading up to a trip – when there is so much excitement for an adventure that has yet to happen.

What is a highlight or memorable story about working with COCOON?

From blowing up thousands of balloons to Laughternoons, breaking through drywall and FriDance – I have too many memorable stories to count. Ask me sometime and I would love to share one with you!

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